Brandy N. Serrano
HIS 301
May 28, 2012
Bruce Franklin
Branches of Government Paper
This paper will discuss the three branches of government Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. This paper will first cover the history of the three branches how did it start and what each branch controls. The second piece will cover how the branches interact with each other and the success and balance of each of the three branches. The last two parts of the paper will cover conflict between state and federal power then and now and how the branches could be more efficient.
History of the 3 Branches of Government
The reason our founding father created the three Branches of Government was not to allow one person or one group of people to have too much power or control by having a series of “checks and balances”. The framers wrote the Constitution to provide a separation of powers, or three separate branches of government. Each branch has its own responsibilities while at the same time work together to make the country run smoothly and to assure that the rights of citizens are not ignored (Ben 's Guide to U.S. Government, August 2011). In 1789 the forefathers ratified the constitution that outline the three Branches of Government in Articles I, II, and III. Article I of the constitution covers the Legislative Branch, Article II gives details of the Executive Branch, and Article III covers the Judicial Branch. The articles define in detail the authority, the compilation, the rules of engagement, the interaction, and various other aspects of how these three specific branches of government should be divided (Hub Pages, 2012).
The Executive Branch consists of the president, vice president and 15 Cabinet- level departments such as State, Defense, Interior, Transportation and Education (Trethan, 2012). The president controls the Executive Branch and chooses the vice president and the cabinet members who lead their departments. A crucial function of
References: Almanac of Policy Issues. (2004). The Constitution of The United States of America. Retrieved from Ben 's Guide to U.S. Government. (August 2011). Branches of Government. Retrieved from Hawk, R. (2008). Checks and Balances in the Three Branches of Government. Retrieved from Hub Pages. (2012). A Look at the Three Branches of the United States Government 79. Retrieved from Trethan, P. (2012). The Branches of Government. Retrieved from Vera, L. (2012). Why Three Branches of Government. Retrieved from