Like our Founding Fathers seeked for protection and safety as it was clearly written out in the Constitution, it is safe to say that our governments have helped achieve the goals they fought to contribute for our country. Checks and balances give a base for the critical purpose of separation of powers. Without the three branches of government, our civilization could be offended and chaotic. The three branches grant the permission for our government officials to serve the country in a way that is unbiased and equally fair. An unjust system would leave us with a partial government, and harmed citizens who may feel at risk or threatened on a daily basis. The three branches that make up a big part of our government is one of the most peculiar contributions that have been given to this world. Our government proves that discussing and overcoming any problem that needs to be put to an end is split up into three different parts, but working together efficiently can always make for a better
Like our Founding Fathers seeked for protection and safety as it was clearly written out in the Constitution, it is safe to say that our governments have helped achieve the goals they fought to contribute for our country. Checks and balances give a base for the critical purpose of separation of powers. Without the three branches of government, our civilization could be offended and chaotic. The three branches grant the permission for our government officials to serve the country in a way that is unbiased and equally fair. An unjust system would leave us with a partial government, and harmed citizens who may feel at risk or threatened on a daily basis. The three branches that make up a big part of our government is one of the most peculiar contributions that have been given to this world. Our government proves that discussing and overcoming any problem that needs to be put to an end is split up into three different parts, but working together efficiently can always make for a better