The reason that our forefathers divided the government into three separate branches was because they planned to implement a democratic government that would work to serve the citizens and not regulate them. In other words, the forefathers wanted to devise an organization where no single individual or assembly would have too much authority. The three branches; judicial, legislative, and executive would have aptitude to administer and control what the other two branches were doing. The system that was put into place to perform these tasks was called "checks and balances". Each branch was intertwined with the other two.
How are the three branches of U.S. Government supposed to interact?
The overall foundation of the three branches is to share authority while and watching over the other two branches. Each branch has separate functions and associations with the other branches. The forefathers planned an organization by means of which each individual branch would observe the other two branches to verify that they are acting in accordance with the fundamental laws and are not trying to over rule the other branches and become an empire by themselves.
The first branch is the Judicial Branch also known as the court system. The Judicial branch is in place to supply the people with true merits and qualities of laws. There are a number of powers that the judicial branch is liable for such as trying and convicting offenders of the law which includes associates of parliament. Another part of the judicial organization is to understand bylaws and how they relate to the latest state of affairs while also determining the validity to the Constitution. With the previous statement in mind, the judicial branch can also upend a ruling or law if it is found to be in disagreement of the U.S. Constitution.
The second branch is the
References: Perkel, M. (n.d.). The united states supreme court. Retrieved Apr. 16, 2006, from Self Regulation is a Violation of the United States Constitution Web site: Patriot , T. (2005). Uspatriotsunited. Retrieved Apr. 16, 2006, from A Balancing Act Web site: USINFO.STATE.GOV, (n.d.). Basic readings in u.s. democracy. Retrieved Apr. 16, 2006, from The Judiciary Act of 1789 Web site: Wikibooks, (2006). United states government. Retrieved Apr. 16, 2006, from United States Government/The Three Branches Web site: Wikibooks, (2006). United states government. Retrieved Apr. 16, 2006, from Separation of powers Web site: Miller, D. (2006). The social studies help center. Retrieved Apr. 16, 2006, from How does our system of checks and balances help protect our rights? Web site: