Brand management starts from the concept of brand identity. Brand identity has been defined as a word or a logo, related to a product, that at the beginning has no sense and then, year after year, it acquires a meaning determined by the products and the communications of the past. Firms can’t manage directly the sense behind their brands but they have to manage it through brand identity as perceived by the market.
While brand image is a reception concept, identity is on the sender’s side. Therefore brand image emerges as the overall perception of a brand identity on the market place as driven by brand personality and positioning. Brand personality and positioning are a result of the interplay between different elements, all affecting the values and the symbolic meaning attached to a brand.
Brand identity can be defined as a system of attributes. Kapferer uses an identity prism to describe from sender perspective and receiver’s perspective in six dimensions. The left side of the prism is intended to project outward & externalize the brand. The right dimensions transfer in internalizing the brand.
The Brand identity prism has been horizontally divided into three regions based on the concept that in any communication, we have a sender, a recipient and a medium connecting the two. In prism the top most division is the one that describes the brand’s sender that is the person bearing the brand’s name. This includes the Brand Physique and Personality.
These six facets as well as the boundaries, define the Identity of a brand. These facets are interrelated and form a well-structured entity. The context of one facet echoes that of another, since brands can only exist if they communicate, the prism concept derives from the assumption that brands have the gift of speech.
For symbol intensive firms particular importance is assumed by three kinds of brand attributes: corporate and brand history and core competencies, product
References: 1. Kapferer, Jean-Noël et al. (2005). Brand Culture. New York: Routledge 2. Saviolo, S.Testa, Le imprese del Sistema Moda, ETAS, 2000 3. 4.