Muhammad Shafiq Gul[1]*, Dr Farzand Ali Jan**
Dr Qadar Baksh Baloch
Muhammad Faheem Jan*** & Muhammad Farooq Jan****
Abstract This study was conducted to determine the level of brand loyalty and image, to examine interactive role of those factors that determines brand image and loyalty, to determine level of brand loyalty and image of Toyota car users and to suggest measures for developing brand loyalty in district Peshawar. The data was collected through questionnaire from a sample of 100 Toyota car users that were selected through convenience sampling method. The results were analyzed on the basis of Chi-Square (x2) test to determine the differences among the group factors. The study on the basis of the results of the test statistics showed that Brand Image and Loyalty was highly insignificant with age group, level of education, point of purchase and repeat purchase duration. While it was observed by the results of the test statistics that brand image and loyalty was highly significant with brand choice of Toyota, level of satisfaction of the use of product, different feature of the product, coloring scheme of Toyota brand, the repeat purchase frequency of the product in contact and different societal factors associated with the product. The study recommended that the Toyota if want to remain on the top is required to adopt a lean and green marketing strategy against its main competitors, Toyota management should focus on consumer satisfaction, Toyota must beware of arrogance. The study also recommends that for Toyota, it is important to be able to establish supply chain management systems.
Keywords: Brand Image, Brand Loyalty, Toyota, Car users.
Automotive industry in Pakistan has shown a glooming era in recent years. These trends have necessitated the industry to customize their process for developing brand image and loyalty. Purchasing a car is a complex buying behavior phenomena in consumer
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