Henry Ford who is a symbol of technological advancement and industrialization. His ideas are reflected in the novel not only in the society’s mechanical modernization, such as the use of helicopters instead of cars, but also in its scientific revolution. The use of the assembly line is now used for the manufacturing of humans on a large scale. Each human is categorized into a specific class; from an Alpha being the highest caste and of the higher intelligence, to an Epsilon being the lowest caste and of lower intelligence. In doing this, they have engineered human beings, not only to fulfill the various positions needed to sustain a society, but also to enjoy the positions that need to be filled. Therefore, they have created people in the most efficient manner possible; “We also predestine and condition. We decant our babies as socialized human beings, as Alphas or Epsilons, as future sewage workers or future…” He was going to say future World Controllers, but correcting himself, said ‘future Directors of Hatcheries’ instead. (Huxley10).
However, there is also a mocking aspect in this mass production. People are no longer able to decide their own future, and are conditioned to think about nothing except what the state has sanctioned. Imperfection and individuality are sacrificed and the essence of humanity is lost. The new society also depends on new scientific