Breast uplift surgery is a procedure that is designed to benefit women, offering them the opportunity to increase their body confidence and counter the effects that factors such as age have had on their physique. It can also be a huge confidence booster to women that have gone through significant weight changes or had treatment for illness such as cancer that can affect their breasts. So when a surgery that has such important consequences goes wrong it can be a monumental blow to the patient and their family. When you go into hospital to have any procedure, you put your body and your trust in the hands of the medical professionals who are providing your treatment, when this trust is abused and …show more content…
The risks that come with breast uplift surgery are the standard that all invasive surgeries carry, such as infection, scarring and thrombosis. However, the practicing surgeon should make every effort to minimise these risks. When there is clear surgical malpractice involved the complications that arise can be significantly more severe. Some of the problems that can cause the most problems and upset to patients include asymmetric breasts or nipples and also a loss of feeling in the breast and nipples and surrounding …show more content…
This includes informing you of any and all complications that could arise and how they will be dealt with. As well as giving you a realistic indication of what to expect after the procedure. They are also responsible for ensuring your safety throughout the procedure and during your recovery, providing you with at least a satisfactory level of care. If they have failed in any of the above tasks and you have been left feeling hard done by and injured as a result then you should be able to make a personal injury compensation