Deciding whether to breastfeed or provide formula milk is a major decision amongst new mothers. As simple as it may seem, the decision to breastfeed versus formula feed babies can be difficult and one of the most important decisions a mother can make. While there is nothing wrong with giving babies formula milk, breastfeeding should be the number one choice for mothers. As breast milk provides more nutrients, is naturally produced by mothers and is less expensive, breastfeeding is more beneficial than formula milk.
When examining the benefits of breastfeeding as opposed to formula milk, breast milk tops the list with the nutrients and antibodies it provides. As breast milk contains antibodies that formula milk does not, this provides extra protection for babies against diseases and viruses. The first milk a baby receives while breastfeeding is colostrum. Colostrum is rich in nutrients and the mother’s own disease-preventing antibodies which may protect the baby from certain viruses (Kutner, 2012). Thus, breastfeeding babies contribute to building babies’ immune systems. As the breast milk matures, “the cells, hormones, and antibodies [in breast milk]…protect babies from illness” (, 2011). This combination is unique to breast milk and is not contained in formula milk. On the other hand, some formula milk does contain more vitamin D than breast milk, which is essential in building strong bones. In addition, formula milk also contains fluoride which is important for healthy teeth. However, both nutrients can be provided to babies as a supplement if they are needed. Formula milk does not contain the antibodies that breast milk has which contributes to a healthier, less sick baby.
Breast milk is produced naturally by mothers and is designed especially for babies whereas formula milk is manufactured. Since breast milk is unique to each mother and child, there is no worry about the baby having an allergic
References: Kutner, L. (2012). Breast-Feeding vs. Bottle-Feeding. Psych Central. Retrieved on August 26, 2012, from Schoenstadt, A. (2009). Formula Feeding Advantages and Disadvantages. eMedTV. Retrieved on September 14, 2012, from Thomas, P. (2008). Breastmilk vs ‘Formula’ Food. Ecologist. Retrieved on August 26, 2012, from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health. (2011). Breastfeeding: Why Breastfeeding is Important. Retrieved on September 10, 2012, from