city univeRsity of hong kong
BA (Hons) Business Administration and Management
Cohort: January 2014
Module Title: Business Research Issues and Analysis
(Module code: BAMG2104)
Assignment Title: Research Report : A Study of Factors Affecting
Men’s Consumer Behavior in Men Skin Care
Market in Hong Kong
Name of Instructor: Dr. Michael Ng
Name of Student: CHOW Fung Kuen Heidi (DMU No. P13014125) LOK Hiu Cheong (DMU No.P13014281) LI Sing Hung Maxim (DMU No.P13014278) WONG Wai Lam (DMU No.P13014415)
Group No.: 4
Date of Submission: April 1, 2014
Research Project Title
A Study of Factors Affecting Men’s Consumer Behavior in Men Skin Care Market in Hong Kong
Executive Summary
The purpose of this research is to help the skin care product company to found out about the consumer behavior of men in men skincare market. We tried to found out series of mattes that affecting and influencing their decision making when purchase skin care products. With the research result company may adopt the appropriate strategies to achieve the ultimate goal which is to satisfy the customer needs and wants.
Our targeted group is the male who domiciled in Hong Kong of age group between 15-45 years old, and we adopted the questionnaires method and have successfully collected more than 100 replies and provided us with reliable data for analyzing.
The research found out that there are 57% of men were using skincare product in the course of the research, and their major age group is aged 25-34. The reasons for them to use skincare product were the concerns of their personal hygiene, then follow by buildup self confident and anit- aging; it is worth to indicate that the research result shown that the group of aged 34-45 has the highest concern of anit-aging among all age groups.
When come to the influence matters that affecting their purchase behavior, it seems that the quality of the product itself is
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