Carley, feeling ashamed, called family services. After calling, she she regrets doing so, but the family services are still going to make a home visit at the Murphys. The next day at school Carley tries to talk to Toni, but Toni still feels lied to and betrayed. The next morning family services comes to the Murphys. After telling Mrs. Murphy that Carley expressed an interest in leaving, Carley soon takes it back. The family service agent leaved, and Carley explained that she feels …show more content…
At school, Rainer, the boy from the restaurant, starts throwing carrots and teasing Carley. Toni comes to Carleys defense and helps her out. The two reunite and end up eating lunch together. While shooting hoops, Carley and Daniel hear a scream, and see a boy bullying Michael Eric. Carley teaches him a lesson by hanging him from a tree branch. After doing this, Michael Eric calls Carley his hero.
Toni comes over to the Murphy’s house and playfully jokes with Mr. Murphy about baseball. Carley and Toni them go upstairs where they talk about their parents and sing songs from Toni’s favorite Broadway. The next day Carley and the Murphys head to Daniels basketball game. Using the advice from Carley , Daniel played well and earned the respect of teammates. On Carleys 52nd day there, she wakes up to see Mr. and Mrs. Murphy dancing and admires how in love they