As Donnie Vincent once said, "The truth is... I'm always saddened when I kill an animal. It's not remorse I feel. I know why I'm a hunter. It's out of respect." But not always do the roles stay the same, sometimes, the tides turn and the hunted become the hunters.This story is so thought provoking, because of its classic theme that anyone can become the hunted. When one looks at “Hungry Like The Wolf” by duran duran, one can see that this theme is still pertinent to today’s world because even in music they show that anyone can become the hunted. One example is when in the duran duran song, they say “Straddle the line, in discord and rhyme, I’m on the hunt I’m after you.” The use of mood, suspense and setting are expertly crafted to support the theme of The Most Dangerous Game”.…