
Brief Summary Of Young Goodman Brown By Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Brief Summary Of Young Goodman Brown By Nathaniel Hawthorne
Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a story about one man’s journey into the woods of Salem Village. When reading this story, the audience may experience many moods that correlate with gothic, or dark, literature. Hawthorne crafts scenes that create a sense of sadness, urgency, suspicion, fear, confusion, and suspense to accentuate the eeriness that lies22 within the settings.
In paragraphs one through four, the audience is introduced to Goodman Brown and his wife Faith. When Faith asked him to delay his journey until sunrise, the reader can reasonably infer that there is a feeling of sadness between Brown and Faith. It is evident she is fearful of what is to come. However, Brown ignores his wife’s pleas and contends his journey “must needs be done.” The urgency Brown feels for his impending journey could make the audience suspicious of his intentions. As he walks into the dark and gloomy woods, the suspicion intensifies. Why is he travelling into these mysterious woods? Why must his journey
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He mentions the “dreary road, darkened by all the gloomiest trees of the forest.” This foreshadows the bitter outcomes he is destined to experience. After Brown has been walking for a while, he begins to talk to himself. He says, “What if the devil himself should be at my very elbow!” Ironically, a man suddenly appears and begins to speak to Brown; it is assumed this man is the devil. He begins to persuade Goodman to continue his journey; however, he wishes to return to Faith. Goodman then explains how his father and grandfather would never have agreed with such practices. To his surprise, the devil reveals that he has been well acquainted with Brown’s family for some time. The devil begins to name some horrible sins his family has committed, such as his grandfather slashing a Quaker’s throat. This would shock the audience, as well as answer their questions as to why Goodman is

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