1A AP Language and Composition
William Ringer The scandal and horror embedded into the Brinvilliers affair is executed in Madame de S’ evign’e’s letter from the late 1600s. She clearly writes a second hand account of the Brinvillier women's’ maniac and unfortunate plan with her later repercussions. Prompting the story ,“this was still the only thing talked about in Paris,” this story tells the tale of a womans pure desires and her extreme measures of poisoning her husband. Madame de S’ evign’e sets up her bias opinion towards the account by using her elevated diction. Thus showing her tone and the execution of the plot. Throughout Madame’s letter, she is able to narrate her purpose, dramaticize her ideas, and use organizational tools to aid her overall sympathy for the Brinvilliers woman. Although Sevign’e is depicting an event, she seamlessly connects her supporting detail of her opinions towards the Brinvillier woman. She starts off noting the women's initial thoughts and plans for her situation. As she depicts her crime, she leaves no room for the reader to interpret this woman as a good citizen. Sevign’e’s short summary of the account forces the audience to trust her opinion and agree with her by the end coming to the conclusion that this woman receives no redemption. “ And, it may be supposed, that we now inhale what remains of her.”
Finally, by using her repetitive strategies, she is able to successfully sway the reader towards what she wants them to believe.
Helping Madame de S’evign’e is her elevated diction. This allowing her create an elite opinion as well as persuading her readers. She creates a dramatic tone almost more than the
average author to depict the severity of both her crime and her execution. She leads the reader through a descriptive journey of what was seen and created what seems to have “ struck her with horror”. She is able to utilize a simple summary yet