2. From the slave’s words (lines 3-5), how do Memor and Salvius know that Cogidubnus’ visit is not an ordinary one (two reasons)?
3. What is Salvius’ explanation for Cogidubnus’ visit (line 7)?
4. Why does he think Memor should help him?
5. What accusation does Cogidubnus make against Memor (lines 11-12)?
6. Why is Memor certain that Cogidubnus is unable to prove his accusation (lines 14-15)?
7. What proof does Cogidubnus have? How did it come into his possession (lines 17-20)?
8. Why is Cogidubnus convinced that the slave is trustworthy?
9. What question does Salvius ask Cogidubnus?
10. Why do you think that he has remained silent up to this point?
11. What answer does Cogidubnus give to Salvius’ question?
12. Why does Salvius interrupt Memor’s response to that answer?
13. What two other accusations does he make?
14. What order does Salvius say he has received? Who has sent it (lines 33-36)?
15. How are the attitudes or situations of Memor, Salvius, and Cogidubnus different at the end of this story from what they were at the beginning? Make one point about each character.
Week 1 (November 6-9)
Assessment: Stage 21
Debita: Stage 22
Translate “Vilbia” p. 30
Complete PTL p. 40, All Exercises
Complete Word Study, p. 43
Memorize the uses of the Genitive Case (p. 38)
Memorize the formation of adverbs from adjectives (p. 39)
Week 2 (November 12-16)
Test: Stage 22
Debita: Stage 23
Complete Story Boards for “in thermis” parts I and II (pp. 46-48)
Translate “epistula Cephali” (p. 50)
Read “Britannia perdomita” (pp. 53-4) and answer questions that follow with complete sentences.
Read “Roman Religious Beliefs” (pp.57-62)
Complete Word Study (p.63)
Review the Comparison of Adjectives (p. 301-302)
Memorize the Comparison of Adverbs (pp. 51-52) and (p. 303-304)
Week 3 (November 19-November 21) Thanksgiving Holiday
Test: Stage 24
Debita: Stage 25
Translate “Strythio” (p. 88)
Read “Modestus custos” and answer the handout questions in Latin.
Differentiate between Direct and Indirect Questions (p. 91)
Complete Story Boards for “Modestus perfuga”, parts I and II (pp. 92-93)
Read “The Legionary Soldier” (pp.97-102)
Complete Word Study (p. 103)
Week 4 (November 26-30)
Quiz: Verba Stages 24 and 25
Debita: Stage 26 and Alphabetical Derivatives Project
Translate “adventus Agricolae” (p. 106).
Read “in principis” (p. 107) and answer the questions that follow in English.
Complete Story Boards for “tribunus” (pp. 111) and “contentio” (pp.112-113).
Memorize the formula of Purpose Clauses (p. 110)
Memorize the form and meaning of Gerundives (pp. 113-114)
Complete Word Study (p. 121)
Read “The Organization of a Legion” (pp. 117-120)
Week 5 (December 3-7)
Test: Stage 26
Debita: Stage 27 and Historical Biography
Read “sub horreo” (p. 126) and answer the questions that follow in English.
Translate “Modestus attonitus” (p. 129)
Complete Story Board for “Modestus promotus” (p. 131)
Memorize the formula for expressing Indirect Commands (p.128)
Memorize the formula for expressing Result Clauses (p. 130)
Read “The Legionary Fortress” (pp. 135-138)
Complete Word Study (p. 138)
Week 6 (December 10-14)
Quiz: Verba Stages 27 and 28
Read “in aula Salvii” (pp.146-147) and answer the questions that follow in English.
Read “cena Salvii” (pp. 149-150) and answer the questions that follow in English.
Special Project: Holiday Greeting Cards in Latin
Week 7 (December 17-21)
Test: Stage 28
Debita: Stage 29
Complete Story Board for “Belimicus rex” (p. 152)
Memorize new uses for the Ablative and Accusative (p.148)
Memorize the formula for using Impersonal Verbs (p. 151)
Complete Story Board for “nox” (pp. 169-170)
Holiday Assignment
1. If you want an “A” for the second quarter, create a Holiday Greeting Card in Latin and deliver it to someone. Return the card and a note acknowledging receipt of the card to Mr. Carbo after the holiday break.
2. Read “Interpreting the Evidence” (pp. 156-162)
3. Complete Word Study (p. 163)
Week 8 (January 2-4)
Quiz: Verba Stages 28 and 29
Debita: Stage 29
Read “Masada I” (pp. 172-173) and answer the questions that follow in English.
Translate “Masada II” (p. 175) and “arcus Titi I” (p. 177)
Complete Story Board for “arcus Titi II” (p. 178)
Memorize the forms and meanings of Active and Passive Voices (pp. 171 and 176)
Memorize the formula for Purpose Clauses (p. 179)
Read “The Origins of Rome” (pp. 183-188)
Complete Word Study (p. 189)
Debita: Stage 29
Week 9 (January 7-11)
Quiz: Verba Stages 28 and 29
Debita: Stage 29
Read “Masada I” (pp. 172-173) and answer the questions that follow in English.
Translate “Masada II” (p. 175) and “arcus Titi I” (p. 177)
Complete Story Board for “arcus Titi II” (p. 178)
Memorize the forms and meanings of Active and Passive Voices (pp. 171 and 176)
Memorize the formula for Purpose Clauses (p. 179)
Read “The Origins of Rome” (pp. 183-188)
Complete Word Study (p. 189)
Week 10 (January 14-18)
Week 11 (January 21-25)
Extra Items to Review for Semester 1 Examination