Trying to increase customer loyalty who's going to dope the number of customers because a customer who try BA for the first, if he have a good moment before and during the flight will be attract by make other trip with the same company because he was satisfy by the service he afford himself.
The brand idea
The brand idea is to provide a service of high quality for his customer in order to make them happy and create in their mind a good image of the image to make them try again the service.
The position
The position held by British Airways is situated in the range high-cost because they focus on Businessman who can afford a good service to pass their working trip. Also, that company is considerate as an international airline company to the extent that they provide around 170 destinations in the world in more than 80 countries...
The promise
British Airways is an airline company so she provides a service of transport around the world. BA is always looking at expectations of theirs customers transforming British Airways into the world’s leading global premium airline. Indeed, they really focus on premium service whenever and wherever customers use British Airways. Moreover, they want to deliver that type of service but also a journey's experience. That comes with a better customer service during flight such as lower fare availability for them like better price when they purchase tickets. They try to reduce the flight delays and try to offer the most efficient luggage service for customer in term of delivery and liability.
British Airways promise to customer a special service of refundable tickets in order to change flight, or refundable tickets (when it's possible) the most quicker as possible taking in consideration the fact that they can be expansive and a certain investment for customers.
Concerning customers with special needs, BA tries hard to provide a special service dedicated to people (disabled and all other special needs) a