Anna Wintour was born on 3rd November 1948 in London .she is at present the chief editor of world famous fashion magazine ‘Vogue’. She started her career in fashion world working at Harpers and Queen in London in the early 1970’s. Anna Wintour has a lot of experience in the fashion industry and is considered as one of the most influential person in the fashion industry. Anna Wintour’s father was the editor of the ‘London Evening Standard’, it is quite clear that Anna adopted her stern and tough working attitude from her father who was known as ‘Chilly Charlie’ within the media world due to his cold demeanour quite like his daughter who is known as ‘Nuclear Wintour’.
Anna Wintour’s style of leadership is clearly authoritative due to the fact that she has clear rules about how work should be done, in which style and within what time period. Because of her dominating nature at the work place, it is noticed that there is a clear division between the chief editor of Vogue and the rest of the organisation; Anna also shows certain aspects of a democratic leader such as consulting her Creative Director Grace Coddington which shows that Anna does not make decisions based on her sole input but rather allows her decisions to be influenced by those around her which therefore shows that Anna does not have one particular leadership style but rather a mixture of both democratic and authoritative . A multi-award winning picture ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ is also based on Anna Wintour’s corporate and personal life.
Anna Wintour adapts a very humanistic approach in her behaviour and the way that she is perceived by others, Rogers developed the humanistic approach which states that ‘individuals experience a need for personal growth and fulfilment’ (Rogers, 1970) which is evident in the Anna Wintour’s behaviour. She continues to be a key figure in the fashion world as she is a person who feeds
Bibliography: Allport, G. (n.d.). The open system in personality theory. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. Brooks, I. (2011). Organisation Behaviour. Rogers. (1970). The Humanisitic Approach.