Bronchial asthma (BA) is a global health problem; there are about 300 million. asthmatic patients.
In the etiology of asthma play an important role: the genetic characteristics and environment. internal factors genetic: genes predisposing to atopy, genes that predispose to bronchial hyperreactivity.
Obesity (BMI> 30 kg / m2)
Gender (male - in children younger than 14 years)
External factors: allergens: premises allergens: house dust mites, wool do¬mashnih animals (dogs, cats, mice) taraka¬nov allergens, fungi, including mold and yeast, external allergens: pollen, fungi, including yeasts and molds.
Infections (mostly viral).
Professional sensitizers (substances of low molecular weight and high activity - an isocyanate, a platinum salt, a nickel salt, grain dust, flour, etc.).
Tobacco smoke (passive smoking, active smoking).
Air pollution indoors and outdoors.
Food (increased consumption of foods high degree of processing and reduced - antioxidants, increased intake of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (in the composition of margarine and vegetable oils).
Mechanisms of asthma.
Inflammation of the airways - the leading morphological feature of asthma. Inflammatory process covers all respiratory tract, including the upper sections and nasal cavity, especially the bronchi medium caliber. The inflammatory process has a universal character with different clinical forms of asthma.
The special features of inflammation