Macbeth to commit murderous actions with repercussions to influence the Macbeth and the plays ending. The Weird Sisters not only placed thoughts in Macbeth's mind, but manipulated him, resulting in the murder of King Duncan, the slaves, Young Siward and MacDuff's family.
The Weird Sisters in Macbeth represent evil, chaos and death and instantly the audience is made aware that they have chosen Macbeth as their victim. Therefore the Weird Sisters have clearly initiated his downfall and actions to follow. In the beginning the Weird Sisters cruel intentions are demonstrated to the audience when their evil nature is explicitly stated as they chant, “Fair is foul and foul is fair”, in the opening scene of the play. This chant refers to the
Weird Sisters’ belief that all that is good and valued to society in Shakespearean times(e.g loyalty, peace and respect) is evil and disregarded by them and their nature. And viewed through societies eyes, especially Shakespearean times, this proves the Weird Sisters lack of a moral compass and abandoned sense of right and wrong. Therefore we can understand that the Sisters crave disastrous actions and peoples downfall, such as Macbeth’s. This confirms societies belief of the Weird Sisters being universal antagonists and interfering with fate, as fate was a strong belief in Shakespearean times. Also, during the audience’s initial encounter with the Weird Sisters, we are made aware that they clearly seek Macbeth out as their target for his downfall, “There to meet with Macbeth”. Immediately this informs the audience of the Weird Sisters harrowing plan to plot disastrous actions that Macbeth will perform, due to their interference in his life. The Weird Sisters morals and intentions are further revealed due to their ruling under Hecate; the goddess of witchcraft. Hecate is initially introduced to the audience in Act 5,Scene 3, here she is portrayed as angry, as she is informed of the Weird Sisters path into hell they have sent Macbeth too, after the first prophecy. Hecate oversees twisted meddlings such as Macbeth’s case, and was furious that she was not made aware of this plot. Thus further confirming that the Weird Sisters instigated
Macbeth's actions and downfall, due to Hecates involvement. In Act 5, scene 3 Hecate then assures the Weird Sisters that she will conjure up a spell that will lead Macbeth to a horrid fate, this assurance led to the spell during the second prophecy, told to Macbeth. “This night
I’ll spend unto a dismal and fatal end”, therefore clearly Hecate and the Weird Sisters were involved in Macbeth's actions and downfall, with them “Drawing him on, on his confusion”.
In the beginning of the play, before the prophecy and hunger for power, Macbeth is viewed as a brave valiant hero and loved by many. Macbeth is viewed as honourable by all and acts as a loyal Scotsman ready to serve his King. Act 1, Scene 2, “Brave Macbeth, well he deserves
that name”, commented Captain. However these morals and perceptions of Macbeth change after the Weird sisters prophecy in the cave, which plant seeds of ambition and desire in his mind. “All hail Macbeth, thou shalt be King hereafter”, prophesied by the Weird Sisters. These three prophecies begin to alter his opinions and morals, deviating him into a greedy tyrant, bursting with ambition. Although the Weird Sisters do not instruct Macbeth to commit murder, they do tempt Macbeth with the idea of his destiny to be King. It can be proven that Macbeth had not initially been tempted with the ambition to be King prior to the prophecy, and was content as a brave warrior, proving the prophecies significance. This is shown in Macbeths surprise and disbelief when the prophecy of Macbeth becoming Thane of Cawdor and King is initially foretold . “And to be King stands not within the prospect of belief, no more than to be
Cawdor”, Macbeth replies during the first meeting with the Witches. From this point on
Macbeth believed the crown to be engraved in his destiny, which resulted in King Duncan's murder and his downfall as Macbeth then wrongly justified his action of murdering King
Duncan because of his vaulted ambition.Therefore we can be certain that without the Weird
Sisters temptation of increased power and wealth, Macbeth would not of committed the traitorous action of slaying Duncan.
Following King Duncan and the slaves murder, Macbeth's driving ambition to retain his power and deluded glory, instigated by the Witches prophecy, lead to his inevitable downfall.This downfall can be further held accountable to the Weird Sisters second prophecy, instigating a faux belief of invincibility in Macbeth. In Act 4, scene 1, Macbeth seeks out the witches to learn further of his fate. Thus proving his downfall following his actions of murdering King
Duncan, as he is now seeking out the instruments(Weird sisters) or darkness, and in doing so embracing evil from his blinded ambition. In comparison to the first non sought out prophecy declaration. The Weird Sisters prophecize, “Beware MacDuff”. Despite his loyal friendship to
MacDuff over the previous years, his belief in the Weird Sisters and lust for power instigated from the first prophecy, blind his thoughts and actions to follow. Therefore out of paranoia and loss of morals from murdering King Duncan, Macbeth orders the murder of MacDuff's innocent and vulnerable wife and children.However, due to his first meeting with the Witches,
Macbeth can now justify that these actions are meant to occur, therefore how can he be doing any wrong if the repercussions of his crowning are ‘fate’? Shakespeare thus proves through the Weird Sisters prophecy that if one lets ambition drive them, then dire consequences can result for not only yourself but others around you. The Weird Sisters then attempted to persuade Macbeth not to give up his crown and rise up against Malcolm's uniting forces.
These prophecies, “Until Birnam wood comes to Dunsinane”, and “No one of woman born shall harm Macbeth”, were lapped up by Macbeth. Macbeth then choose only to select the information that benefited him and disregarded the rest. However the Weird Sisters already knew that Macbeth would act with blind greed in response to the prophecies. This can be seen when Hecate says, “And you all know security is mortals chiefest enemy”. Thus revealing that Macbeths belief that he is untouchable will ultimately result in his own downfall.
This idea that Macbeth believed himself to be invincible was instigated by the Weird Sisters in their second prophecy. Thus Macbeth believed himself to be indestructible- and as said by
Hecate, lead to his own downfall. These two deceptive prophecies encourage Macbeth to
continue on his path of destruction and commit more horrid acts. They give him the persona that he is indeed invincible and cannot be stopped, nor should he be. Macbeth, due to the power laden prophecies now thinks and acts arrogantly, and believes that everyone is of woman borne, therefore no one can harm him. This belief, instigated by the Weird Sisters, caused Macbeth to not back down from Malcolm's defiance army and fight on with headstrong arrogance from the belief of his newfound invincibility. Thus, Macbeth continued to fight
Macduff, which lead to his inevitable murder. “I bear a charmed life which must not yield”,
Macbeth audaciously replied to Macduff during the final battle. Therefore the audience learns that he has come to rely heavily on the Weird Sisters prophecy, which clouds his judgement and rational thinking. However due to Macduff being borne of cesarean, Macbeth’s train of actions and blinded ignorance resulted in his tragic death in Act 5, scene 8.
Many shakespeareans believed that once Macbeth entered the realm of witchcraft that he has little to no control over his fate, due to higher powers asserting their influence. This is shown throughout the play of Macbeth and the murderous actions Macbeth commits after the first prophecy of the Weird Sisters. We as an audience learn that this belief in Shakespearean society is indeed reflected in the play of Macbeth. The Weird Sisters prophecies placed dangerous thoughts in his mind, and without the idea of his own destiny to be King, the murder of King Duncan would not have occurred. Murdering King Duncan then led to extreme guilt, paranoia and eventually the shutting out of his emotions which we hold accountable to the further murder of Banquo, Young Siward and Macduff's family. The Weird Sisters had
Macbeth set as their victim from the beginning, and instigated his lust for power. Shakespeare wanted to reveal to the reader’s/audience that arrogance and power combined are a deadly combination which can blind actions and cause the loss of morals, and when instigated, can result in not only destruction of not only one’s surroundings but the destruction of one’s self.
Bronte Douglas
Are the Weird Sisters instigators of Macbeth's actions or did the Macbeths plot Duncan's murder? In the play ‘Macbeth’ written by William Shakespeare, Macbeth falls from encompassing the role of a brave valiant warrior, into a spiral of destructive actions. This downward spiral was instigated by an alluring prophecy from the Weird Sisters, fomenting ambition in Macbeth creating a lust in him for the crown. Macbeths initial taste of power, after learning of his destiny to be King, lead to his growing greed and paranoia, which drove him to the loss of his morals and commit murderous actions. The Weird Sisters not only placed thoughts in
Macbeth's mind, but manipulated him resulting in the murder of King Duncan, the slaves,
Young Siward and MacDuff's family.
The Weird Sisters in Macbeth represent evil, chaos and death and instantly the audience is made aware that they have chosen Macbeth as their victim, therefore have clearly initiated his downfall and actions to come. Their evil nature is explicitly stated as they chant, “fair is foul and foul is fair”, in the opening scene of the play. This proves their lack of a moral compass and abandoned sense of right and wrong. As this chant refers to the Weird Sisters belief that all which is good to others(e.g loyalty, peace and respect) is evil to them, therefore they crave disastrous actions and people such as Macbeths downfall. The Weird Sisters then clearly seek Macbeth out as their target for his downfall, “there to meet with Macbeth”. Immediately this informs the audience of the Weird Sisters harrowing plan to plot disastrous actions that
Macbeth will perform, due to their interference in his life. The Weird Sisters morals and intentions are further revealed due to their ruling under Hecates; the goddess of witchcraft.
Hecate is firstly introduced in Act 5,scene 3 where she is seen as angry as she is informed of the Weird Sisters path into hell they have sent Macbeth to, after the first prophecy. As Hecate oversees twisted meddlings such as Macbeths, she was angry that she was not made aware of this plot. Thus further confirming that the Weird Sisters instigated Macbeth's actions and downfall, due to Hecates involvement. In Act 5, scene 3 Hecate then assures the Weird
Sisters that she will conjure up a spell that will lead Macbeth to a horrid fate, which is linked to the spell during the second prophecy told to Macbeth. “This night I’ll spend unto a dismal and fatal end”, therefore as clearly Hecate and the Weird Sisters were involved in Macbeth's actions and downfall as they “draw him on, on his confusion”.
In the beginning of the play, before the prophecy and hunger for power, Macbeth is viewed as a brave valiant hero and loved by many. Therefore the Weird Sisters must of changed his key values, which lead to the murder of his own trusted friends including King Duncan. Macbeth, in the beginning is introduced into the play, where we learn of his bravery in leading the forces. These forces defeated the army of both Ireland and Norway whom were led by
MacDonwald, the Kings traitor. Macbeth is viewed as honourable and acts as a loyal
Scotsman, ready to serve his King. Act 1, scene 2 “Brave Macbeth, well he deserves that name”, said Segeant. However these morals and perceptions of Macbeth change after the
Weird sisters prophecy in the cave, which plant seeds in his mind. “All hail Macbeth, thou shalt be King hereafter”, prophesied by the Weird Sisters. Although the Weird Sisters do not