into the water, but mostly only 2 out of the 10 liters of oxygen make its way into the water. Brook Trout also need the temperature of their water in between 50-56 degrees Fahrenheit. If the fish get too hot they will die from overheating.
If they get too cold they will all bundle up in a corner and try to stay warm, but they will not get too cold and die. The material that keeps them cool is called the chiller. It pumps cold ice into the tank and keeps them cool. If the chiller fails, you would put frozen water bottles into the tank and keep all of the Brook Trout cooled. Something that Brook Trout need is food like all other living things on this earth. Something that Brook Trout eat is dried brine shrimp. We feed the Brook Trout 1x every day. How we do that is we store the food in a container and put them in the fridge, then 1 or 2 people go and get the food and bring it back down to feed them. How we protect our Brook Trout is if one is acting up or stealing others food, we basically put them in a timeout. It is a separate area in the tank just for them, and surprisingly they will listen and make corrections like humans would. There is something called good bacteria that the Brook Trout need in their environment. It is cleaning micros and digestive micros that help balance the growth of the Brook Trout. The eggs of the Brook Trout cannot be experienced to light. How we are going to complete that is that we are going to hang a curtain over their environment/tank to prevent
the light from leaking in. There was a school that didn’t cover up their tank and most of their Brook Trout on the surface of all the eggs did not make it to even getting out of their eggs. That is why we will follow all of these rules and procedures so that we can continue to the replenish the life of the Brook Trout.