
Brutus Vs Antony's Speech Analysis

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Brutus Vs Antony's Speech Analysis
Who should take Caesar’s place? Should it be Brutus or Antony? Both Brutus and Antony wanted to show that Caesar was an honorable man and that he died for the good of Rome. They also both wanted to get the people of Rome to believe, trust and follow them. They both used rhetorical appeals to get their point across. Brutus went first, which was a mistake on his part. Even though he had a good speech and did good getting his point across, he should not have gave his first. By going first, his speech was not as remembered as Antony’s speech. Also he walked away during Antony’s speech, meaning he couldn’t defend himself and rebut what Antony was saying. It also may have made the people think he was disrespectful for not staying and listening. …show more content…
All through his speech he kept talking about how much he loved Caesar and he only killed him for the good of Rome and to save the people of Rome. In the third paragraph of his speech he told the audience, “Not that I loved Caesar less, but I loved Rome more.” He did this to make it seem like he didn’t do it for himself, but that he did it for them; the people. Antony came in and made all the people change their minds. He made them realize Caesar was not any worse than Brutus and that he really had no reason to die. He made it sound like Brutus is the bad guy and he was in the wrong the whole time and it was never Caesar. He made the people question Brutus by using repetition and kept repeating the fact that Brutus is an “honorable” man. Antony really wanted to make the people turn their back on Brutus and follow him instead. Antony told all the people that he had Caesar’s will and that he found it in Caesar’s closet. He used pathos and made them all feel mad at Brutus by telling them that in Caesar’s will, he wanted to help the poor people, unlike most people during this time. However, we as the readers don’t know if he really found Caesar’s will or if he is just lying to try to get the people on his

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