1. List some of the details outlined in an operational plan.
An operational plan, also known as an action plan, is derived from an organisation’s strategic plan. It is a more concrete, detailed document that outlines how the strategic plans of an organisation will be achieved in practice. It includes projects to be undertaken, actions, resource policies, responsibilities and timeframes. It outlines the actions teams/individuals within an organisation will take to achieve its objectives and also outlines any major projects within the relative time period. An operational plan will contain details of:
• Organisational structure
• Short- or medium-term business strategies
• Major projects
• Available resources (including human and physical resources, also financial)
• Performance targets
• Responsibilities for actions
• Timeframes for projects, goals and evaluations
• Contingency measures
2. Broad consultation with other members of the organisation, from team members to senior management, is a good way to contribute to the success of operational planning. When, in the planning cycle, should it be carried out? What outcomes would you be looking to achieve from this process?
Consultation is a key element in the development of an operational plan and it is imperative in ensuring the details of the plan, the resource allocations and the timelines set are realistic, relevant and achievable. Consultation should be an ongoing process, right from the beginning and throughout the entirety of the operational plan. Consultation can be achieved in many ways, both formally, using such tools as information sessions, meetings, workshops, focus groups, one-on-one interviews, feedback mechanisms or communication mechanisms; or informally, by relying on personal relationships and informal conversations with other stakeholders. Use of these techniques should be scheduled to occur before the operational plan is put to action,