A2: Explain what the scope of the audit should be and why. Describe what form should the audit take and what elements should be included. Give reasons for your responses.
The macro and micro factors being included in the audit. It because that affecting the business as well as the internal and external influences. The elements of audit, who, what, when, where and why will be included in this audit. Comprehensive audit bringing accuracy with reliability.
A3: Recommend when the audit should take place. Give reasons for your responses.
The moment is right time for audit take place. Because of the timing was right in preparing for a planning cycle and Zelda have been trading long enough, also had the necessary quantitative data to provide meaningful assessments.
A4: List who should be involved in the audit. Give reasons for your responses.
Auditor - The key person to conduct it so that all points of view could be canvassed from an independent perspective.
Adel Otis - Communicating with and adjust marketing plan.
Maria Zelda - Communicating with and reform an updating marketing plan.
Jo Zappa - Providing cash flow sources and control budget.
Adriana Como - Implementing the plan.
A5: Explain how your marketing audit will meet the requirements of Zelda’s marketing plan.