usage of a halfway house. in order to provided assistance to put a halt to young adult’s destructive conduct.
I am currently, employed as a human service representative at a place similar to Amazon called Arvato. My job duties consist of filling accident claims for the employees who have been involved in accidents within the workplace.
Having the knowledge of the broad range of social problems that will be covered in this class will help me to obtain the understanding of culture differences, circumstances that affect daily living habits as well as, have the insight to develop an action plan to assist my future clients.
I am looking for to the upcoming ten weeks as well as getting to know you all within the discussion boards.
Therese Bolton
Dis post mine
The Discussion for this week will focus on social problems, and three different perspectives used to view social problems. Please respond to the following questions/statements:
Which of the three sociological perspectives (Functionalism, Conflict Theory, or Symbolic Interactionism) best explains the social problems that exist in society? Why do you think the perspective that you chose best explains social problems?
Using a reputable website or your local paper, find and describe something you would consider to be a social problem. After you have identified a social problem, discuss the impact that the problem has on individuals as well as