Personal Model of Helping I take pride in everything that I do and strive to give my all to the people who need my help, and this is the basis of my personal model of helping. I cannot give someone only part of my effort because the individual may not take me serious and not be able to use the help that I am offering. My goal in offering this help is to assist them in overcoming any negative situation they are trying to get out of. People reach out for help and when they do so they want the best help that they can find because they can seek a positive resolution. I know that circumstances in life can take a toll on a person, and these circumstances cause them to be in the situation that they are seeking help for but to change their behavior and improve themselves they need to give 100% as well as the people who are offering help to them.
How and why and you formed this viewpoint This viewpoint was formed because there are individuals who seek help from professional counselors every day because they believe that these professionals can get them back of track with their lifestyle and overcome the struggles of hardship they have been facing. If this individual does not believe that the help they are getting from the professional is successful than it would seem that either the professional or the individual seeking help is not giving 100% effort on their part in order to get positive results. There are many different reasons an individual seeks therapy; it can be gambling problems, drug or alcohol addiction, abuse, health issues, family issues, or even death of a family member. A professional counselor needs to be prepared for any reason that a client may seek help from them and be ready and willing to offer them appropriate help of treatment.
View of helping My view of helping is a result of a person taking pride in their profession of helping others and them going the extra mile and giving the effort necessary to
References: Individual Counseling, Life Skills–Behavioral Therapy, and Group Experiences Kondrat, A. (2009). Behavioral and Cognitive Approach in Psychology. Retrieved from Maultsby, Maxie C. & Wirga, Mariusz. (1998). Behavioral Therapy. Howard University College of Medicine. Parrott, L., III. (2003). Counseling and psychotherapy (2nd ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Thomson/Brooks/Cole. Smith, M.A., M., Segal, M.A., R., & Segal, Ph.D., J. (2013). Therapy for Anxiety Disorders. Retrieved from