I would like to think of myself as someone who is always out to help people. Although, helping people is not an immoral act, over-helping can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety. Also, taking on their problems can result in falling behind in my own work and can lead to problems in the company. As a leader, the Goose Theory of Leadership has taught me to not allow for people to hand off their unwanted problems to me, instead I should work with them and teach them how to find a solution to their problem so they won’t continue to come back with more …show more content…
In a previous job, the communication between leadership and the workers was extremely poor. For example, the Director wouldn’t let other express their point of view and their ideas, and instead she would make them go through with her plans that would often fail. This resulted in conflicts between workers and leadership and people often blamed others for their mishaps. Because of this, I was pleased when we discussed the factors that influence communication and the four ways to destroy communication. The experience that faced in the workplace and these factors have taught me how to have effective communication and what happens as a result of bad