1. Give examples of needs, wants and demands that Build-A-Bear customers demonstrate, differentiating each of these three concepts. What are the implications of each on Build-A-Bear’s actions?
The “needs” are what the customers are looking for, at first place while entering a Build a Bear Workshop. Primarily children are looking for entertainment, being able to show their creativity and being able to follow their imagination.
Then the “wants” it is what Build a Bear is proposing to fulfill the “needs”:
The entertainment to children is fulfilled by: proposing them a colorful workshop; a fun process; and a large choice of products.
Children can show their creativity while building their own teddy, accessorize it and giving him a name.
A child imagines each steps of this process; these steps allow giving life to their teddies according to their imagination.
Finally the “demands” are connected to the “wants”. More precisely it is what the customers are willing to pay for their “wants”, and especially how they would like to improve their experience as a customer in a Build a Bear Workshop.
As we can see these three concepts are linked and the steps should be follow in order to be a success. First we should look at what are the needs of the market; then how we should respond to it to attract the prospects; then we should be aware of their demands/suggestions which would help us to improve the experience, the product and the company’s growth.
2. In detail, describe all facets of Build-A-Bear’s product. What is being exchanged in a Build-A-Bear transaction?
While building the personalized product the customer have to go through all the fun and entertaining process which represent the facets of Build a Bear’s product:
To choose the un-stuff teddy
Option: add a voice
Option: add an heartbeat
Stuffing the teddy
Spa Treatment
Choose clothes and accessorizes
Create the birth certificate
In a Build a Bear