In all of our research I have tried to determine what makes an Internet department work. At first glance you may think you need a $50,000 Web site with all the bells and whistles, yet I have meet dealers that have Web sites that, well, frankly they suck, yet are still selling vehicles. So maybe it is the salespersons themselves, a new and different breed of human, who can anticipate the Web shopper's every move. But to my disappointment after interviewing over 900 Internet salespeople, that really wasn't the case either. So I took what I thought were top Internet sellers and documented exactly what they did to effectively sell cars online. I probably annoyed most of them because I asked so many questions and never left them alone. To the brave souls who allowed me to invade their lives, I thank you. The weird thing is that they were almost all different except for one thing. They have all implemented a system that they follow religiously on every prospect. Step by step, they never deviate from their set schedule of prospect management. At that moment I realized; it is all in the process. So I ask you; what is your process? Is it documented from start to finish? Are you improving it at every weak link and every time you lose a prospect? Today, I am going to give you some hints on how to build your own sales process that will work for you at your dealership with your Web site under whatever conditions you face.
The first key is to break down step by step what it takes in your dealership that is necessary to complete a successful vehicle transaction. An important note is that you need to be as detailed as possible and uncover all the steps that are taken with a prospective client. Why would anyone want to take the time to do this? You are probably saying I am too busy selling cars to take the time and write this all out. Take the time: It is well worth it because after you are done I can guarantee that you will sell the same