Business itself is broad,so to make it simple,the researcher only focused on the challenges and the requirements needed in starting a business.She discussed the meaning of business and the forms of it.The researcher also emphasized that it is important to have a business plan in starting a business.She also stated some of the most important requirements in putting-up a business. The researcher also mentioned the most famous challenges that an owner of a business can face. This research helps to answer the questions of the reader and the researcher herself about business. The importance of this research is to know if a simple individual have it all to own a profitable business. The aim of this research is to further explain the essence of business and to know the different forms of business that will be applicable in the business. Also, its purpose is to give some ideas on how to start a business and it also emphasizes on the challenges to face and the requirements in starting a new business to ready the upcoming business owner. In doing this research, the researcher had a hard time finding some information’s in a book because its not a common topic to discuss in any book.But she manages to get some info’s needed in a book. So, to be able to make this possible,the researcher scanned every periodic that is related to business available in the school library. The author of this research also surfed the internet to get most of the needed facts and informations. She also looked in a dictionary for some help.
I. What is Business??
There are many definitions of business but here are some of the most basic and important definitions that must be known before starting a new business…According to Ditablan and Abad(2009), “Business is a commercial or mercantile activity engaged in ,as a means of livelihood.” And also business has been defined by many as an organization of the people with varied skills to