
Building Global Brand

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Building Global Brand

I. Introduction 2

II. Brand
1. Definition of Brand 3
2. What Makes a Brand Great 4
3. Brand as a Business Asset 6

III. Global brand
1. Globalization and Brand 7
2. Brand Building Focus on the Brand Identity 7

IV. Building Brand with Brand Advertising
1. Building Brand – The Role of Sponsorship 10
2. Building Brand – The Role of Web 13
3. Building Brand – The Role of Media Advertising 14

V. Conclusion 15

VI. List of References 16

I. Introduction
Since the early time, the conception of brand has marked a turning point in business whether it regards as brand identity, brand equity, or brand loyalty (Hart and Murphy, 1998). The brand now places a first impression in the product market. It sets what people consider and also determine whether the business will succeed or even fail. A brand, therefore, is the most important part of the business because the success of brand is identical to the business success.
Kapferer (1997) argues that a brand is not a product. It is more prominent than a product itself. It leads company in the way to differentiate products from competitors. The competition in specific direction is the key issue that brand is facing nowadays. Thus, brand is a challenge for the company to become globally competitive in this globalization zone. Given stiff competition in the global market, what strategies should a company need to adopt with?
This essay consists of three main parts, i.e. brand, global brand and building brand with brand advertising. Part 1 will define the meaning of brand, the issues that businesses should consider in making the brand great and brand as a financial asset. Part 2 will discuss the impact of globalization within a brand and the creation of brand building strategy concentrate in brand identity. Last but not least, part 3 will focus on how brand advertising facilitates the brand building strategy. In addition, as a

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