30 January 2014
The standard shall provide the minimum requirements for integrated testing of fire protection and life safety systems. These requirements include protocol for testing procedures, responsibilities for various parties, methods and documentation for verifying the operational readiness and sequence of integrated systems. The standard is designed to ensure that interconnected active and passive fire protection and life safety systems operate as intended. The standard shall not require integrated testing but shall provide minimum requirements for integrating testing where such testing is required by another code, standard, or design document or by an Authority Having Jurisdiction. The standard shall not provide testing requirements, including test procedures or test frequencies, for individual systems.
This standard provides a range of sprinkler system approaches, design development alternatives, and component options that are all acceptable. Building owners and their designated representatives are advised to carefully evaluate proposed selections for appropriateness and preference. This standard shall provide the minimum requirements for the design and installation of automatic fire sprinkler systems and exposure protection sprinkler systems covered within this standard. This standard is written with the assumption that the sprinkler system shall be designed to protect against a single fire originating within the building.
This Code covers the installation of electrical conductors, equipment, and raceways; signaling and communications conductors, equipment, and raceways; and optical fiber cables and raceways for Public and private premises, including buildings, structures, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, and floating buildings; yards, lots, parking lots, carnivals, and industrial substations. Installations of conductors and equipment that connect to the supply
References: National Fire Protection Association. (1896). Retrieved January 30, 2014, from http://nfpa.org Underwriters Laboratories. (1894). Retrieved January 30, 2014, from www.ul.com The National Electrical Code. (2008). Retrieved January 30, 2014, from https://www.nfpa.org/70