The second way to reduce bullying is to get better punishments. When kids get bullied the bullies usually just get off with a warning or sent home unless in the case of death. When the bullied don't kill themselves the bullies usually get off with a warning. When given a warning people don't take it seriously and more often than not nothing is done until it is too late. I think that the bully should be given a in-school suspension. When people are given out of school suspensions they look at it as vacation time. I think if we gave out in-school suspensions as the firs reaction to bullying it would happen less.
Thirdly and finally, I think we could show better guidelines as to what IS bullying and what IS NOT. Kids think that every time somebody says something mean to them, "Oh. They're bullying me." NO. The ( definition of a bully is : "a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people." A bully doesn't just say something to you once. The abuse is constant. We need to show students that somebody saying something to them once is not