Source Essay
English 91
December 9, 2014
Bullying in Our Schools What is bullying? What are the different types of bulling? How does it affect our children? What is being done to prevent it? It is something that all kids have to deal with whether by having it directed towards them or just witnessing it. Bullying is a major problem in schools and needs to be addressed now before there more kids get hurt by it. Bullying is defined as “any unwanted aggressive behavior(s) by another youth or group of youths who are not siblings or current dating partners, that involves an observed or perceived power imbalance and is repeated multiple times or is highly likely to be repeated (Blad, 2014). It may inflict harm or distress on the student being bullied. Bullying is usually referred to as being picked on, pushed around, or rumors being started. It can be done by one or more students, the bullies, towards an individual or group of individuals. Bullying can happen on or off school grounds and during school hours or any other time. There are several types of bullying. Most forms of bullying fall under one of the following categories: cyberbullying, verbal bullying, physical bullying, or social bullying. Cyberbullying is the cruelty or aggression as well as cyber threats which are implied or direct threats to oneself or someone else (Willard, 2008). Verbal Bullying consists of name calling, threats, taunting, and inappropriate sexual comments. Physical bullying consists of hitting, spitting, kicking, tripping, taking or breaking someone’s things, and mean or rude hand gestures. Social bullying consists of leaving a person out on purpose, spreading rumors, embarrassing them in public, and telling others not to be friends with them. Bullying affects our kids in different ways. Some of the ways it affects our kids are low self-esteem, poor grades, suicidal thoughts or actions, and outward forms of violence. Low self-esteem is a result of the child