“Mean Girls”, a teen comedy film directed by Mark Watersin in 2004, is based on a girl named Cady Heron, who currently starting high school; after being homeschooled throughout her previous life. The film is about Cady pretending she is someone she’s not to fit in with the popular girls, later then becomes the bully herself. In Watersin’s film, he successfully shows the stages of bullying of a social behaviour that occurs in the girl’s world in a chronical order. There are four different way of bullying, however in this film, it appears to only have three types of bullying that occurs; from physical, social and verbal bullying. Cyberbullying is not a big deal in the year when the film was filmed. The main idea of the film is that …show more content…
This shows the viewer that girls are just as vicious as boys bullying one another, however it is done differently and could get away easier than boys. As it was mentioned in an article that, “the boys experience direct experiences of bullying, such as physical aggression, and girls are more involved in situations of indirect violence, such as malicious gossip”. (Silva, Pereira, Mendonca, Nunes, & Oliveria, 2013). While boys bullying is often physical, and verbal; girls are more on social, and verbally bullying, it happens towards both gender. As I was reading an article that “Research has had identified a trend towards gender difference in preferred modes of aggression as indirect, rather than direct aggression, appears to be the preferred modus operandi of girls (Rivers, Besag & Duncan, 2009). Bullying does occurs in both genders. Instructor, teachers and guardians needs to be aware that no matter what gender they are, children do go through bullying regardless. As Katherine Mortimer has mentioned in her article that “Girls can be mean. Boys will be boys. These are just a few of the cliches people use when kids are bullied.” (Katherine, 2013). Parents should avoid generalizing the child, because they will begin to believe that bullying is an okay act to use on