“Bullying. This means threatening, harassing, persecuting or insulting others. Especially those who are weaker. It is a daily terror for many children, possibly your child without knowing it. And schools, some more than others are becoming infested with bullies taking advantage of smaller or timid ones. Is your child being bullied at school? This statement made by Professor Ramesh Deosaran is taken from one of his articles (Bullying, The Silent Terror, dated October 17, 2010) which has brought the problem of bullies and bullying within the school system of Trinidad and Tobago into the public domain. Professor Deosaran is an internationally renowned scholar in criminology and social sciences; he has been recently conferred with the title Professor Emeritus at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus in Trinidad and Tobago.
Today I would like to present some facts on “Bullying in Primary and Secondary Schools”. However due to time constraints, I will focus on three major aspects in hopes that I may raise your awareness on the severity of the issue. What is bullying? It can be defined as persistent aggressive behavior by one pupil towards another, intended to cause the victim to suffer. It can range from verbal to physical and even indirect. (Chris Kyriacou, “Helping Troubled Pupils”). The incidence of it in primary and secondary schools in Trinidad and Tobago is quite difficult to estimate since a small proportion of cases are reported to teachers and administrators. These reports are often ignored or some corrective action is taken such as summoning of parents, suspension or even counseling by professionals.
Why Do Some People Become Bullies?
Most times, they are average students who come from households where discipline is excessive or inconsistent, where family relationships show little warmth and to act aggressively towards others, including adults is the norm. This is possibly because they are not