All over the country everyday bullying is becoming a bigger issue in public schools. There is a large number of bulling through most middle and high schools with students being harassed and making poor life choices. In this report you will learn the statistics causes, and ways of prevention for bullying.
There are many sitistics about bullying I have listed below a couple of examples. Example one, Research shows that 60% of kids bullied in grades sixth through ninth had at least one criminal conviction by age 24. Research also shows that 15% of fourth through eight graders may be severally distressed as a result of bullying. In my opinion, these percentages are increasingly high; there should be more self discipline in public schools. Students do not know that when they bully one another percentages go up and self-esteem goes down. Each day people have no idea that the stuff that they are doing and saying causes many problems within our students and community! The courses of bullying are different with each person but most cases are because of the reasons provided below. One cause is because children do not have strong listening communication and problem solving skills. Another way students get bullied today is because they are emotionally, mentally, and physically weaker then they’re tormentors. This shows that them being smaller and weaker gets them targeted faster. Even if this is not right students these days do not care, they just want to feel more powerful then their peers, no matter who it hurts and no matter how it affects others. A large amount of children today suffer at the hands of their peers.
As bullying gets worse schools look into methods for preventing such actions. These can be prevented by boosting children’s self-esteem and making them more comfortable around others. Another way of preventing bulling is a combination of adult supervision and intervention to change schools culture by teaching students how to handle