BUQU 1230-S95
Fall 2014
Instructor: Ali R. Hassanlou, Ph.D.
E-mail: Ali.Hassanlou@kwantlen.ca
Phone: 604-599-2045
Office: Room D140 Surrey
Class Hours: Saturday 10:00-12:50
Office Hours: In Surrey on Fridays 11:00-12:50 and Saturday 9:00-9:50 and 16:00-17:00. I am also available by appointment and e-mail (which I check regularly).
Course Description: BUQU 1230 will introduce you to the basic principles of descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics will include summarizing and presenting data, probability distributions, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing and regression analysis. The application and interpretation of Microsoft Excel is a key part of this course.
Course Website: http://www.mykwantlen.ca. Lecture notes, slides, grades, and other resources can be accessed on the course web site. It is recommended that students study lecture notes prior to attending the class. To encourage class attendance, lecture notes do not include all the material that I cover in class.
Required Text: Anderson, Sweeney& Williams (2015). Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft Office Excel (5th edition). United States: South-Western CENGAGE Learning. Publisher’s website: http://www.academic.cengage.com/bstatistics/asw
Calculators: A basic calculator with a squaring function is required. Calculators with programmable text functions are NOT allowed during tests. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have an appropriate calculator for the tests (check with instructor if you are not sure). Failure to do so will result in completing the test without a calculator.
Course Evaluation:
Assignments (5 equally marked) 10%
Test 1 20%
Test 2 20%