Sections 15378, 15379, 15380
Statistical Analysis for Business Applications I
Spring 2014
Instructor: Dr. Staci Smith
Class Time: TTh 10:00-11:20, 180 MH (Sect. 15378) TTh 1:00-2:20, 180 MH (Sect. 15379) TTh 4:00-5:20, 150 MH (Sect. 15380)
Instructor's Office: 275C MH
Office Hours: I am usually in my office from 9:40-9:50 am, 11:30 am-12:50 pm, 2:30-3:50 pm, and 5:30-6:10 pm on class days (TTh).
Office Phone: (713) 743-4717
E-mail address:
Website: (access directly or thru Blackboard Learn)
Dept. Fax: (713) 743-4940
Required Text: The UH Customized Version of Essentials of Modern Business Statistics (With Microsoft Excel), 5th edition, by Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams.
Grading Scale: 90 and up A 62-64.9999 D+ 85-89.9999 A- 58-61.9999 D 82-84.9999 B+ 55-57.9999 D- 78-81.9999 B 54.9999 and below F 75-77.9999 B- 72-74.9999 C+ 68-71.9999 C 65-67.9999 C-
Grade Makeup: Homework 16% Exam 1 28% Exam 2 28% Exam 3 28%
Homework: - Homework directions and sample assignments can be found in the back of the class packet.
- Assignment due dates will be announced in class and then posted on the website.
- Absolutely no late homework will be accepted!
- Graded homeworks/solutions can be accessed after the official homework deadlines have passed.
- Your lowest homework score will be dropped at the end of the semester.
Exams: - Exam information can be found in the back of the class packet.
- All exams are computerized and will be administered at the Center for Academic Support and Assessment (CASA) Testing Center located in 221 Garrison Gym and 242 Classroom & Business Building.
- Exam dates are established by CASA and can be found in the Class Schedule that follows. Students are responsible for scheduling their exams with CASA. Failure to