Abstract: The theory of bureaucracy was proposed and published by Marx Weber (1947). Although there are some studies on this perspective were discussed before him, those theories did not form as systematic theory. After Weber, the issue of bureaucracy becomes a hot topic in the field of social organization. Almost all well-known scholars such as Martin and Henri have published their views on it. Bureaucracy adapted as the traditional organizational model during industrial society, essentially, bureaucracy could exist rational. This essay firstly will review the principle of bureaucracy in organization based on organizational design perspective. Secondly, it will analyze the strengths and weakness of bureaucracy made by Weber, focusing on Weber’s contribution for large contemporary organization design their structure and consider the attitude of those organizations toward bureaucracy: confirmed, rejected, adapted or added to. Finally it will consider the performance of bureaucracy organization in modern society with examples.
Table Contents
1. Introduction for Weber’s bureaucracy theory 1
2. Strengths of employing bureaucracy into organizational design 2 2.1 Division and selection of labor based on specialization 2 2.2 A vertical hierarchic management system 3 2.3 Clear norms and rules 4 2.4 Impersonalization 4
3. Weakness of employing bureaucracy into organizational design 5 3.1 Staleness rules and working process 5 3.2 Overstaffing and corruption 5 3.3 Controlled centralized 6 3.4 Iron Cage of control 6 3.5 Hard to change 7
4. Evaluation of Weber’s bureaucracy theory 7
5. The success or failure of the affair is all to bureaucracy 7 5.1 Rapid development for success 8 5.2 Loss support of public feeling 8
6. Conclusion 10
7. Reference 11
1. Introduction for Weber’s bureaucracy theory
Max Weber, a famous German scholar and thinker. In his life work, pay close attention to the relationship
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