I selected PC Repair http://www.bplans.com/computer_repair_business_plan/executive_summary_fc.cfm sample business plan. PC Repair is a S Corporation type of business that will be available to local small businesses and home computer users with computer related issues. PC Repairs offers computer and technical consulting such as repairs, training, networking, and upgrades. PC Repair’s has many strengths that will benefit local businesses and home pc users with all the computer consulting and services it offers. This computer consulting business offers excellent quality services to their clients. They have on-site repair, which is better for the client to eliminate transport of the computer to PC Repair’s office. They offer extended maintenance contracts for clients to work with a single item expense. Their main focus in on small businesses, who don’t have a full-time IT person, but have full-time IT needs. They offer affordable on-demand services to these businesses. They can offer maintenance agreements for small businesses for additional monthly income. They offer flexible, affordable, helpful services for the residential clients. The computing industry is expected to grow at a rate of 12% (Business Week). The expansion of processor speeds through the years will provide a rich resource for sales. PC Repair will use an aggressive advertising plan to exploit its competitor’s weaknesses and to make the name common to the community. They have established relationships with local distributors that will provide them with rapid services, but will be more expensive. They have reasonable prices for the high quality service they offer. They offer pick-up and drop-off service. PC Repair is not only interested in selling new components, but maintaining existing computers and finding client solutions.
I can name a few weaknesses I came across first, PC Repair is a new player to the computer consulting