Arita Gibbs
Strayer University
Assignment 3 Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course
BUS 508 Contemporary Business
Dr. Jacob Ogunlade
Fall 2014
Arita Gibbs 3
Due Week 9/ Date: 03/06/14 3
References 12
Certificate of Authorship
I have read and understand Strayer University’s Academic Integrity Policy. I promise to conduct myself with integrity in the submission of all academic work to the University and will not give or receive unauthorized assistance for the completion of assignments, research papers, examinations or other work. I understand that violations of the Academic Integrity Policy will lead to disciplinary action against me, up to and including suspension or expulsion from the University. I understand that all students play a role in preserving the academic integrity of the University and have an obligation to report violations of the Academic Integrity Policy committed by other student. In addition, I Arita Gibbs certify that I am the author of this document and any assistance I received in preparing this report fully acknowledged. I have also cited in APA format for all sources that I obtained ideas, data, and words. Sources are properly credited according to the APA guidelines.
Arita Gibbs
Due Week 9/ Date: 03/06/14
Promotional and Advertising Strategies
Promotional and advertising strategies are important tools for businesses to stay on top. A company has to work hard every day to remain competitive. Most of their tactics include peeking the interest of consumers to buy a specific brand which is called a promotional strategy (Boone & Kurtz, 2013, p. 391). Promotional strategies also are put together to control the mix of daily activities, which the business benefits with market increase (Boone &Kurtz, 2013, p. 391). Advertising is another piece of the marketing process. It plays a major part in getting the word out regarding the product or service
References: Acevedo, L. (2014). Product Positioning Strategies: eHow Inc. Retrieved from eHow Inc Web site: Adidas Corporation Adidas Corporation. (2014). Our Group: Adidas Corporation. Retrieved from Adidas Corporation Web site: Boone, L Hill, T. (2014). How Do You Differentiate Yourself From Your Competitors: Ezine Articles Corporation. Retrieved from Ezine Articles Corporation Web site: Kim, J Kokenuller, N. (2014). What Is Selective Product Advertising: Chron Corporation . Retrieved from Chron Corporation Web site: Lake, L Moorty, S. (2014). Define Promotional Sales: eHow Inc. Retrieved from eHow Inc Web site: Nike, Inc