Directions: Complete the following self-assessments: A Twenty-First-Century Manager, “TT” Leadership Style, Intuitive Ability, Conflict Management Strategies, Time Management Profile, Organizational Design Preference, and Which Culture Fits You?” These self-assessments are located in Week 1 of your course shell. Read the scoring narrative provided at the end each self-assessment and record your score in the appropriate area below. Then, read the interpretation narrative and write a brief interpretation of what your score means.
Assessment: A Twenty-First-Century Manager
PMF Score: __9.5___
Interpretation: The assessment that offers a self-described profile of your management foundations.
Assessment: “TT” Leadership Style Assessment
“Transformational” Leader Score: _28____
“Transactional” Leader Score: __19___
Interpretation: Gives and impression of your tendencies toward transformational and transactional leadership.
Assessment: Intuitive Ability
Intuitive Score: __12___
Interpretation: Traditional analytical techniques are not as useful as they once were for guiding major decisions.
Assessment: Conflict Management Strategies
Yielding tendency: _6____
Compromising tendency: _17____
Forcing tendency: _16____
Problem-solving tendency: __18___
Avoiding tendency: __11___
Interpretation: describes an approximate of the conflicts management styles. I don’t agree with this.
Assessment: Time Management Profile
Score: ___5__
Interpretation: The higher the score the closer my behavior is supposed to match recommended time management guidelines. I don’t agree with this at all.
Assessment: Organizational Design Preference
Score: __10___
Interpretation: Measures my preference of a working environment.
Assessment: Which Culture Fits You?
Score: __7___
Interpretation: My future career success may depend on working for an organization I which there is a good fit between me and the prevailing corporate culture.