BusAd 250- Fall 2014
Section G: Scott Elston
MWF 3:10– 4:00 PM
119 Gerdin
Iowa State University
Instructor: Scott Elston
Office: 3120 Gerdin
Office Hours: Tues/Thurs.12:30- 2:00 PM or by appt.
Phone: 294-2930 (off.), 294-8116 (dept.)
E-mail: selston@iastate.edu
Course Prerequisites: Com S 113X
(Students should have completed the necessary prerequisite before enrolling in this course. If you have not completed these requirements and choose to remain in the class please be advised that you may have difficulty successfully completing some of the assignments needed to complete this course.)
Course Resources:
(1) Text: Pearson Custom: Business Resources – Introduction to Business. ISBN 1-269-10190-0. Available for purchase or rent from the ISU Bookstore in the Memorial Union. (A copy of the textbook is on reserve in the library)
(2) Foundation Business Simulation (www.capsim.com)
* Each student is required to register for the simulation. Registration codes can be purchased by credit card online at the Capsim website or at the ISU Bookstore. The online registration price is $53.99. The price at the bookstore is approximately $75.
(3) Blackboard Learn
(4) Lynda Tutorial Library
*Useful free resource to review functions of MS Excel and MS Access. Login through your ISU net login to gain full access. Located in the ISU webpage, Student Menu, Sign-ons/Services, Sign-ons, Lynda.com Tutorials.
Recommended Resources:
I strongly suggest that you become familiar with the publications of your profession as soon as possible. The Wall Street Journal, Businessweek, Fortune, Forbes, Harvard Business Review, The Financial Times, Fast Company, Inc., Smart Money, or other business-related publications are essential reading for keeping up to date with what’s going on in the business world. Course Description:
Enterprise, Trade, Commerce. Regardless of what we call it, business is the principal mechanism by