Pimp my ride is produced by an entertainment company (MTV) and hosted by renowned rapper, Xzibit, its first episode aired in 2004. Bush Mechanics is produced by an educational company, ABC, and Warlpiri Media Association, the first episode aired in 2001. Although both television series are forms of media entertainment for specific audiences, they share different ideologies and depict the use of motor vehicles in diverse ways. Bush Mechanics would appeal to an audience of people in their early thirties or older (living within Australia, as it would be unlikely for international views), the television series concentrates on remote Indigenous life and how transportation is needed in order to travel from various locations. However, in Pimp My Ride motor vehicles are viewed as possessions which dictates an individual’s social status, Pimp My Ride would appeal to predominantly males in their teens to late twenties, who live in countries that MTV premiers in. The main restriction between Bush Mechanics and Pimp My Ride is the production budget. Bush Mechanics has a smaller budget than Pimp My Ride as Warlpiri Media Association is an Australian organization and MTV is an international organization. Having a smaller budget can restrict the amount of characters used within the show and the number of props needed, however having a smaller budget might …show more content…
Bush Mechanics teaches the audience a little about Indigenous history, beliefs and remote life, while Pimp My Ride explores the ideas of consumerism and materialism in an urban society. Bush Mechanics use broken down cars and teach the audience how to repair them using environmental materials, while Pimp My Ride use expensive materials to create over-the-top visual enhancements of cars. Pimp My Ride concentrates more about the before and after affects of motor vehicles solely for entertainment purposes while Bush Mechanics concentrates on the ideas of telling stories and demonstrating how to fix broken