Marit de Hoog
Peter Kock // 1665849
Rolf van Moergastel // 1563838 Class
1. Modeling process.
Model the described process with the activities in the care chain. Draw only the process of the hospital and describe how the process is linked with the pharmacist, the GP and the health insurance.
Specify in the process diagram of the hospital the subprocesses. Choose the sub processes in such a way that the main process is shown with a clear overview
Add the items (for information) that are used. See the diagram added 2. Modeling actors.
Different roles and systems are involved in the process. Model these roles and systems in separate actors diagrams (give them the right recognizable name, such as hospital or doctor roles etc.) and connect the actors (with the appropriate profile) to the activities. See the diagram added 3. Views.
The roles (of those concerned) and systems (' resources ' used) are now in the process.
Create a colour view which makes it clear where the actors (roles and systems) are involved in the process. See the diagram added 4. Report.
Models in BizzDesigner are usually only available for a limited group in the organization.
It is possible to report the models so that they are accessible for a wider audience.
Create a report in RTFformat. Include the colour view in the report and include the sub processes. Make sure the processes are shown clearly and fully readable.
5. Problems besides the hospital process
The costs made by the hospital are partly determined by external environment factors outside of the hospital's control. Give 4 external factors that influence the costs of the hospital and that could not be solved by your analysis. Motivate your answer. Four external factors that raise the cost for the hospital: The unpredictability of emergency