Section 1 – Understand the purpose of information technology in a business environment
1. In relation to your current business environment (or one that you are familiar with), identify at least two different types of information technology that may be used when completing work tasks.
One type of information technology that may be used to complete work tasks is Microsoft word which is used for word processing, making new documents and correcting previous documents. Another type of information technology that may be used to complete tasks is Microsoft Powerpoint which is used to create and maintain presentations to colleagues and customers alike.
2. What are the benefits to businesses (and others) of using information technology for doing work tasks?
The benefits to businesses and others of using information technology for doing work tasks are numerous such as if they are using Microsoft Word for word processing then Microsoft Word has a spell check feature which makes sure that are very little mistakes made on documents. Another benefit of using information technology to complete work tasks is the whole workplace can become more productive and efficiency is increased because of this factor. One other benefit of using information technology to complete work tasks is the speed at which something is finished is far greater than if it was done using a pen and paper.
Section 2 – Understand how to manage electronic and paper-based information
1. Explain the purpose of agreeing objectives and deadlines when researching information. If possible, refer to specific examples from research tasks you have worked on to support your answer.
The purpose of agreeing objectives and deadlines when researching information is to make sure that all the people involved in the process know what is expected of them and when it is expected by, it also gives them the chance to raise any prospective