Communication is defined as: "to send information, ideas and opinions from person to another in organization through a proper channel, that may lead to a particular result, a change in behavior or a change in practices” (Valenzuela,1992).There are four basic elements of communication which are the sender, receiver, massage and channel. The sender is the person who creates the message and sends it to the receiver that gets the message. The response of the receiver called feedback and the way that they use for sending this message called the channel, either the problems that arise in this communication are called noise. Each of the sender and receiver in the process of communication share the responsibility of making the message easy and clear. This communication can be verbal or non-verbal. Also, it can be a written communication. Verbal communication means everything that comes from the person, such as speech and words through verbal expression. The main components of verbal
Communication is defined as: "to send information, ideas and opinions from person to another in organization through a proper channel, that may lead to a particular result, a change in behavior or a change in practices” (Valenzuela,1992).There are four basic elements of communication which are the sender, receiver, massage and channel. The sender is the person who creates the message and sends it to the receiver that gets the message. The response of the receiver called feedback and the way that they use for sending this message called the channel, either the problems that arise in this communication are called noise. Each of the sender and receiver in the process of communication share the responsibility of making the message easy and clear. This communication can be verbal or non-verbal. Also, it can be a written communication. Verbal communication means everything that comes from the person, such as speech and words through verbal expression. The main components of verbal