|Assessor Name: Glenn Calderwood |Internal Verifier Name: Teresa Jacobs |
|Date Issued: 25 January 2013 |Hand in Date: 24 February 2013 |
|Qualification: |
| |
|BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business |
|Unit Title: Business Environment |
Rules and regulations:
|Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes: copying information directly from the Web or books without |
|referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework |
|from another student and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be |
|dealt with according to the procedures set down by LSBF. Please see your student handbook for further details of what is / isn’t |
|plagiarism. |
Assignment Regulations
1. Learners are required to submit their work using the LSBF Assessment cover sheet.
2. You are required to submit your assignment electronically to your Examination Officer at londonedexcellevel5@LSBF.org.uk.
3. If you need an extension (even for one day) for a valid reason, you must request one, using a reasonable adjustment form