Can be explained through several sources information: 1. Quran and Hadith
Based on the Quran, in the surah Al-Baqarah, verse:275,
“…. Allah has permitted bay’(trading) and forbidden riba(usury)…”
Regarding on this verse, it is obviously, explained the concept of business ethics from Islamic perspective; which in Islam, the usury totally prohibited. As we know, the conventional business ethics are allowing usury in the market system so that they can have a big profit in sales. Nevertheless, the concept of business ethics in Islamic religion is differed. Islam avoid the usury(riba) in term of avoiding unfairness to only one side in the sales and also it is haram as mentioned the quranic verse.
Plus, base on the verse itself, Islam has never been an obstacle to the mankind to perform business. This is because Allah Himself allows us to involve in business. Its means, Islam encourage Muslim to be active in business. Therefore, the concept of Islamic view in the business ethics through this verse shows that we have to perform business with fairness, honesty, sincerity, and integrity. Thus, the business ethics in Islamic perspective is free from cheating and suppression. Another source; one of hadith which can be applied as the concept of business ethics in Islamic perspective:
“An honest and truthful businessman shall be in the shade of the throne of Allah.”(Al-Isbihani)
Regarding on the hadith above, the concept of business ethics that would be highlighted is about a good character and attitudes in performing business matters. In Islam, the business ethics will be the track for the Muslim to commit the virtues in trading activities. Muslim who has Islamic business ethics will be rewarded in this world and even hereafter. It is because one performing Islamic business ethics is able to find good profit and even be could attain the shade of the throne at the akhirah as mentioned in the hadith above. Thus, in the concept of business ethics in Islamic teaching also highlighted good rewards for muslims who are performing Islamic business ethics in this world and even hereafter.
Furthermore, the other concepts of Islamic business ethics: Islam forbids the bad attitudes and principles in the business ethics. Some of bad attitudes such as cheating or selling fake items or broken items are totally forbidden in Islam. However those examples are actually happen in the trading matters since the period of before Islam arrivals until today. Thus, this concept is to allow the trading activities free without cheating and the flow of business trading can be run smoothly and fine.
Last but not least, the concept of business ethics in the Islamic perspective is to enable Muslim to gain wealth in the permissible way which is business. In a hadith of prophet Muhammad SAW said that 9 over 10 of sustenance is came from trading(business). Islam is always please the mankind to have wealthy. This is important to ensure the mankind can have a good life and good status of religion. Thus the concept that wants to be highlighted is when the Islamic business ethics must be used by muslim in order to gain sustenance in right path of Islamic teachings.