Enables the behaviour of people in organizations to be examined from different view points which are characterised by conflicting and competing assumptions and interests
The way we analyse is influenced by the way we understand organizations:
There are a number of different types of metaphors that are used to understand the complex nature of organizations.
As participants (either as employees or managers) we need to be careful not to depend solely on one particular perspective as we interpret the actions of people in any organization.
Machine/Organism metaphor
The machine metaphor emphasises the mechanistic nature of organisations and is often associated with the classical management perspective
The organism metaphor presents an image that organisations operate and function as an organic system that needs to be adaptive if it’s to survive. This metaphor is closely related to the human relations school of management theory.
Common assumptions:
Organisations are purpose drive instruments which function as a means to attain identifiable goals or ends
A common purpose characterises organisational actions
Organisational structure is the product of managerial action
Managerial action is a technical and neutral activity
Conflict is pathological
Strategic choice is the outcome of managing functional responsibility
Organisations as machines
(classical management)
Organisations as organisms
(human relations)
Primary concerns
Prerogative of mgmt.
Universal principles
Technical aspects of mgmt.
Rational nature of people
Social needs of individuals
Primary values
Efficiency & effectiveness
Enable organisations and individuals to satisfy their needs and goals
Typical concepts
Formal design, rules and procedures
Political/Cultural Metaphor
Political metaphor promotes the view that organisations can be perceived as political systems. Organisations