Business information can be used for a variety of reasons, depending on stakeholders and their needs. The following table presents a concise analysis of external and internal business information users. Further, it identifies Whitbread’s key stakeholders based on the information provided on its website. Business information users | Stakeholder needs | Whitbread | External | Shareholders | -A proof that the investment is worth holding; that it’s making the best return. | Shareholder Centre provides information on dividends, business performance, share prices (1844.00p on 01/04/2012) and a guide on share purchasing/selling. | | Creditors | -Information facilitating lending decisions-Evidence the company will repay the loan | Whitbread stresses: business performance, its share of the market and returns on investment. | | Competitors | -Records on competitor’s growth and profitability | Whitbread presents YouGov BrandIndex disclosing their and competitors place in customer brand awareness. | | Customers/ Suppliers | -Information to choose a service (customers)-Confirmation that the cash flow is sufficient to pay them on time (suppliers) | The company shows its transparency by: guest satisfaction rating and credit rating/ corporate debt. | | Tax authorities | -Accounting information to determine company 's tax liabilities. | Published AGM report | | Potential investors | -The past performance reports to foresee future trends on return on
References: BIS (2011). Business Population Estimates for the UK and Regions. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.bis.gov.uk/assets/biscore/statistics/docs/b/bpe_2011_stats_release.pdf [Accessed 25 March 2012]. Company Warehouse (2009). Benefits of a Limited Company. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.thecompanywarehouse.co.uk/benefits-of-a-limited-company [Accessed on 18 March 2012]. HOSPA (2012). Conceptual Framework. [ONLINE] Available at: http://bahalearning.arena4finance.com/file.php/4/Unit_1.pdf[Accessed on 17 March 2012]. O’Donnaghue D. & Luby, A. (2005) Management Accounting for the Hospitality, Tourism and Retail Sectors. Blackhall Publishing Ltd. Quickmba (n.d.). Business Legal Structures. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.quickmba.com/law/org/ [Accessed on 18 March 2012]. Whitbread (2012). Explore the World of Whitbread. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.whitbread.co.uk/whitbread.html [Accessed 18 March 2012]. Whitmore, D. (2011). Advantages & Disadvantages of a PLC. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.ehow.co.uk/info_8678120_advantages-disadvantages-plc.html [Accessed on 18 March 2012]. -------------------------------------------- [ 1 ]. (http://www.whitbread.co.uk/whitbread.html)